Red Bull Total Zero

Red Bull Energy drink Wholesale Distributors brings to you Red Bull Total Zero.
Red Bull Total Zero another quality product distributed by Red Bull Wholesale. A company that believes in instilling the integrity of which our business was founded on. We continue to acknowledge the contributions and intrinsic value of our customers, employees and supplies as the integral part of our business. We do what we do every day because we believe in creating mutually trusting and beneficial relationships with our supplier, customers and employees.
We are premium suppliers of Red Bull Total Zero specially made for people who don’t take sugar.
Send inquiries if you are looking to buy Red Bull Total Zero wholesale.
Red Bull Total Zero is a special brand made up of the following high quality ingredients.
Caffeine has already been known for its stimulating effects on the human body by ancient civilizations who consumed it from natural sources like tea, coffee, cacao beans & cola nuts.
To this day, caffeine can be naturally found in coffee, tea and chocolate or produced synthetically and whether present in natural sources or in Red Bull Energy Drink your body processes caffeine the same way.
One of caffeine’s primary sites of action in the human body is the central nervous system where it stimulates cognitive functions.
One 8.4 fl oz can of Red Bull Energy Drink contains 80 mg of caffeine.
Taurine is an amino acid, naturally occurring in the human body and present in the daily diet. It is involved in a wide range of biological processes.
Taurine is found in high concentrations in muscle, brain, heart and blood. A person weighing 70 kg has approximately 70 g of taurine distributed throughout their body. Put another way, a 70 kg person naturally already has in his body 70 times the amount of taurine contained in one can of Red Bull Energy Drink.
Taurine is also contained in different foodstuffs like scallops, fish, poultry and most infant formulas.
Aspartame, Sucralose & Acesulfame K:
Aspartame, Sucralose and Acesulfame K are among the most-tested and most-used sugar substitutes worldwide.
Acesulfame K is a non-caloric sweetener. It is used worldwide in over a thousand different products including foods and drinks like chewing gum, dairy products, baked goods, etc..
Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener that is produced synthetically. It is used worldwide in over 5,000 different products (such as soft drinks, yogurts, candy, chewing gum, etc.).
Sucralose is a non-caloric sweetener made from sugar and therefore, it tastes like sugar. Sucralose is produced synthetically. Sucralose is used in a wide variety of products, including beverages, baked goods, desserts, dairy products, canned fruits and syrups.
Aspartame, Sucralose and Acesulfame K are among the most-tested and most-used sugar substitutes worldwide. All three have an excellent safety profile. Numerous scientific studies demonstrate that these substances are safe for use as sweetening ingredients. The safety of these sweeteners has been evaluated by regulatory bodies all over the world (e.g. FDA in the US). Authorities rely on the safety evaluations of independent scientific advisory bodies such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).
Buy Red Bull in bulk for cheap
Red Bull Wholesale are the number one Red Bull Energy drink Wholesale Distributors in Europe with over 84 routes and warehouses in most parts of the World.
Send inquiries today and buy from the best Red Bull Energy drink Wholesale Distributors in Europe.